1976年由佩尔松(Jan-Eric Persson)和汉松(Bo Hansson)创立于斯德哥尔摩。它的生产公司名为 Firma Ljudinspelning ,是高保真音响硬件生产厂商 Rauna 公司的子公司。Opus 3 出品的唱片,内容包括古典音乐、爵士、蓝调和民谣,演奏者多为瑞典音乐家。它非常注重录音的音响品质,尽可能精确和自然地再现声音和乐器的原貌。在录音的环境、设备摆放等方面精益求精,并力图避免技术因素影响录音的自然性,以达到唱片回放时得到录音那一刻的效果。因此,20余年来,虽然其推出的唱片数量不多,但仍然未妨碍它成为一个发烧友喜爱的优秀品牌。其出品的测试音响设备的系列 Test CD,品质备受称道。
Opus3 is an independent Swedish record company dedicated to recording timeless acoustic music such as jazz, blues, folk and classical music. Our aim is to reproduce voices and instruments as naturally and accurately as possible. To attain this we chose recording environments with good natural ambience. The positioning of the musicians is planned to give the best possible musical communication between them and
the most favorable interplay between them and the environment.
We avoid all forms of artifice and electronic manipulation that could change the natural sound. We try to give you the chance to recreate the feeling and atmosphere that we felt at
the moment of recording. To discover how this is achieved,
go to Opus 3's Philosophy of Sound Recording.
This is for all who are interested in audiophile recordings
or fine recordings of interesting music.